Big buildings adore the sky.
Many celebrities have their residence in this precinct and we passed by quite a few like Mukesh Ambani's luxurious residence at Altamount Road which has skyrocketing real estate prices.
Antillia(Mukesh Ambani's residence)
A mixture of old and new buildings were found onward. Mumbai has a long history with the Cotton Textile Industry with many high rises which were built when the old mills were razed but still the areas are addressed as the "X mill compound" as the mills were extensively vast in area.There are still mills existing and sell items in wholesale. South central Bombay areas such as Parel were once only Textile mill areas.Tell this to someone new in Mumbai that the skyscrapers land had handlooms operating on it in the days of yore and he will surely raise an eyebrow.
Shakti Mills, Parel- Stands in ruins
Areas like Wadala and Chembur had a lot of crude oil related businesses and till date the unpleasant oil smell reeks in the Harbor area. Some may have got used to it but newcomers find it extremely difficult to breathe.
Bharat Petroleum Refinery,Chembur(E)
Towards Suburban Mumbai the smell is similar to hard water and mild fish reeking. You might find this surprising but I have grown attached to that particular smell since my childhood days.
A Koli woman selling fish with a pleasing smile.
The beaches of Mumbai are rugged and rocky but still are splendid in the evenings with a variety of people flocking to it. It won't be hard finding a group of teenagers playing Gully Cricket with intense passion with a relatively soft Tennis ball. Try asking them to let you in and you would be part of the mayhem in no time.
The famous Shivaji Park,Dadar |
The Shivaji Park which is the biggest park in the seven island city is a haven for cricket lovers and the master blaster himself used to play here.
The metropolitan region and its localities are divided into east and west by the suburban railway line which has carved out a niche of its own in popular culture. The west which is represented by a (W) or (पश्चिम ) and the east which is represented by a (E) or (पूर्व) demarcate the area into almost two congruent parts with the western area focused generally for Residential purposes whereas the eastern area is for industrial and commercial purposes with many of the eastern part of locales acted as business districts.
The infamous tracks which divide the city almost everywhere.
Matunga has a great number of South Indians dwelling since decades and there is no dearth of South Indian Cafes which give authentic food without burning a hole in your prized pocket.
Cafe Madras, an old eatery in Matunga catering for the Foodies and loyal customers alike.
The Southern precinct affectionately referred to as SoBo and its residents being referred to as townies in the local colloquial language are really the pride of the city.The Fort area boasts of the oldest stock exchange of India, some quintessential Parsi / Irani cafes which have been a part of the Mumbai culture since time immemorial along with the old Victorian style business district of Ballard estate.
The good old Ballard estate.
The people who have been to the city of Miami may find a lot of similarities here. Mumbai has a myriad of Art Deco buildings
only behind Miami,USA. The buildings along with a good sunset gives a beautiful scene reminding many of Miami.
The Art Deco constructions.
I saw these old business areas which still are hubs of commerce. Even on a hot warm and humid day the gave the basic what every Mumbaikar wants : SHADE!
I saw the RBI office along with the TATA headquarters and many more in the fort area which had a lot of Taxis and doubledecker buses.
Coming back to our journey :) , we reached the Sanghralaya and were lost in it four around 90 to 120 minutes and the relics were beautiful and really ancient and though we couldn't click photographs I managed to smuggle this one.
A reclining Buddha.
After the museum we had food at Pizza by the bay which overlooked the Marine drive and went to a gaming arcade which isn't really intriguing :). The trip left me desiring for more of SoBo and the townies are partially right it is actually a beautiful place.
Marine Drive,Mumbai offering a calm view of the sea as the sun scorches.
Mumbai even though may disgust you, Brighten you up, make you sad but it surely does two things : surprise you and teach you.
The people of Mumbai may be very nonchalant but they are as warm as the city :) when it comes for helping.The sea of people at a railway station who have all personal goals everyday make a journey for another logn day but as they go they connect with others in a casual and friendly manner.
As the train chugged towards home I smiled at the adventures I had.
This was a very small article on Bombay but I will surely write more and try to amaze and astonish you with the phenomena called BOMBAY later on:).
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